
Serbian Journal of Management is officially supporting International May Conference on Strategic Management (IMCSM)

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Since 2006, Published by Technical Faculty in Bor - Serbia. 

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Serbian Journal of Management, 12(1) (2017) 1 - 169

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Contents Article MetadataDownload PDF Page
Dragan Pamučar, Darko Božanić, Aca Ranđelović MetadataMulti-criteria decision making: An example of sensitivity analysis 1
Minhajul Islam Ukil MetadataDetermining success factors for effective strategic change: role of middle managers' strategic involvement 29
Sanja Dalton MetadataThe impact of training on operational performance: the case of the customs service at Nikola Tesla airport in Belgrade  41
Jaroslav Vrchota, Petr Rehor MetadataInfluence of strategies to determine the significance of the crisis by the managers of small and medium - sized enterprises 53
Sanja Centineo, Santo Centineo MetadataInvestment innovation trends: factor-based investing 65
Le Trung Thanh, Do Mai Huong MetadataDeterminants of capital structure: an empirical study on Vietnamese listed firms 77
Alexander Miller MetadataMethodological approach to assessment of organizational resources of the productive activity 93
Jaka Vadnjal MetadataVideo-lectures: an effective ceomplementary teaching method at business college 107
Ladislav Mura, Katarina Haviernikova, Renata Machova MetadataEmpirical results of entrepreneurs' network: case study of Slovakia 121
Valentina Gerasimenko, Olga Molchanova MetadataGlobal pressure or national identity: strategic challenges for Russian business schools 133
Livia Alice Mozsar Kovacsne MetadataReducing IT costs and ensuring safe operation with application of portfolio management  143
Review Paper:
Jan Kalina MetadataHigh-dimensional data in economics and their (robust) analysis  157
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